About Us

Mission Statement
Engage community partners to identify and reduce risk factors, raise awareness and implement research-based strategies.
Vision Statement
A caring community that reaches out to provide compassion and hope for a community free of suicide.
The Message Behind the Name
Reduce suicide through
Collaboration and
REACH4HOPE offers trainings and resources that can help you learn suicide warning signs, talk openly and honestly about suicide, offer hope to someone in crisis, and save a life.

Email or call Vanessa Diaz to sign up for QPR Gatekeeper Training.
or 435-634-5604
Much like CPR, the fundamentals of QPR are easily learned and the application may save a life. The more gatekeepers trained in these skills, the more lives will be saved.
Research shows that the majority of those who attempt suicide show warning signs. Yet, those in a position to do something about it are often reluctant to get involved. Suicide is an uncomfortable topic and can lead a potential helper to denial. Overcoming denial is an important step. People who are thinking about suicide are not necessarily being irrational. They view it as a solution to their problems. Gatekeepers can help them realize there are other solutions
- Step 1: Ask a Question “Are you thinking about suicide?”
- Step 2: Persuade them to get help
- Step 3: Refer them to a mental health professional (add)
In less than two hours, you can learn skills on how to help prevent suicide. A certified QPR instructor can come to your home, business, or faith community to conduct a free QPR training (minimum of five people).

Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour training course that teaches you how to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The training helps you identify, understand, and respond to signs of addictions and mental illnesses.
Email or call Terryll Stromberg to register for Mental Health First Aid.
tstromberg@sbhcutah.org or 435-634-5604
Suicide Can Be Prevented
Interested in one of our Suicide Prevention classes? Fill out the form below to get class times and information.
If you are in a crisis, please call 911 or call or text the Lifeline at 988